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You will do well. You have always been a leader. Go get ‘em, Pam! — Mary Baker-Ruthven

Pam, You have my endorsement as a mom with a solid background in education who cares deeply about serving your community and reducing gun violence. I know you will give it your all. — Melanie Barbret
Retired Civiian Administrator, U.S, Army Services, Heidelberg, Germany

No one better for County Commissioner for Long Lake Township than you, Pam! — Shawna Colantuone
COO and Director of Sales

“Thank you for entering the election for county commissioner seat in District 9. I know you are motivated and eager to bring about overwhelmingly common sense policy choices. In reading bio information on other candidates, I think it will certainly be worthwhile to put yourself out there. You have always had an abundance of poise. My advice is to call on that no matter how condescending or negative the rhetoric may get. I am sure you can gain respect from voters whose lives have been made worse by the hyper-partisanism so many have shown with regard to Second Amendment rights.” — Tony DeLapa
Independent Business Owner

Pamela is the person for the position to represent Long Lake Township on the Grand Traverse County Board of Commissioners at this time. — Rev. Dr. Craig Hexham
Hospital Chaplain, Retired

You have my vote! — Lynn Larson
Retired TCAPS Teacher

You are a warrior! Thanks for all you do! — Jenny Swanson Hanrahan
Mom, Family CEO, Administrator

I’m so proud of you, Pam. Your community is fortunate to have your service, passion, wisdom and generosity. — Claudia Zent
Retired College Admissions

Committee to Elect Pam Kaiser
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